First, Susannah's transplant has now been more or less firmly scheduled. She'll be going into the hospital on January 22nd (Not January 8th, as we previously believed). She'll have several days of chemotherapy, followed by radiation, the transplant itself, and then engrafting. She will probably be hospitalized between three and four weeks, a little less than we had expected.
It may be possible for a few people who are in very good health to visit her in the hospital, depending on her energy levels. Please contact Ethan about that, well in advance. (trelevenfarm at-sign
Second, we have recieved a wonderful Christmas present from Sarah and Brian, along with at least twenty-four other people. It is a group effort, and we hope you'll join in.
Susannah can't bring too much stuff into the hospital with her. Sarah and Brian have given us a digital picture frame with an SD memory card, which currently holds about 239 pictures (Of us, of our family, our friends, our friends' babies, people's vacations, all sorts of things. Some of them are straight photos, and some have messages on them. It's incredibly cool.)
And you can get in on the act. Sarah has set up a communal website which you can join and upload pictures, which we will then download onto the picture frame. (Also, you can check out the pictures yourself). It is very nifty and easy to use. If you're daunted by the technology, ask someone under 25.
So. Happy holidays and turning of the year, and thank you, everyone, for all your many kinds of love and support. See you in the magic picture frame...