Friday, September 25, 2009

Lots of Good News

First- Susannah has gone through another round of biopsies, and the doctors have found the best possible results, which is to say that the leukemia does not seem to be very far advanced. This means, in effect, that starting the transplant process is not as immediately urgent as it could have been, so Susannah should be able to continue teaching for the full semester. This is nice for our sense of sanity, and also fairly essential for our insurance.
Second- We have a donor match! Two, actually. Which is great news. We still hope that people will consider register to become a bone marrow donor, and we are going to continue doing outreach work in that regard. It has been very gratifying to hear back from the number of who have registered in the last couple of weeks.
Obviously there is a very long road ahead, but as of today, things look reasonably serene.


  1. This is great news! Thanks for sharing this and stay strong.

  2. Susannah & Ethan, Morgan and I just heard this news over the weekend. We're thinking of you both and have some devious plans for casaroles and other comfort food with personal delivery. Let us know a good time for a visit. I'm very glad to know you can teach. I think that being engaged in your normal, intellectually rich life is great! xo -Nathan

  3. I echo the other postings above--what great news! My thoughts, prayers, and best wishes for continued good news are with you both!

    Love, Shannon

  4. I just heard about Susannah's diagnosis, through a couple of New England Friends (including my mother, Nancy), and my thoughts are with you both.

    Great news about the donors, though! If you know your donor(s) - and they've got any questions about the bone marrow process - feel free to send them my way. I donated bone marrow a few years ago, and I'm happy to talk about the process.

  5. Hello Susannah and Ethan!

    Nice to find this blog and great news that Sussanah have two possible match donors. I have had some physical exams and now waiting for the results to see if I can become a marrow donor too. Sussanah, pudiste ir al concierto de Marta Gomez? hope so... It's nice that you can teach the full semester. Best regards from Guido too. Un fuerte abrazo y seguimos en contacto.


  6. Thanks for sharing the good news. Our thoughts are with you.
