Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We are at Mt. Holyoke

Dear friends-

We are deeply blessed to have more friends than we can easily stay in communication with at the moment. Hence this blog. We have moved to South Hadley, Massachusetts, where Susannah is teaching. This also puts us considerably nearer to Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Susannah is in the midst of a battery of tests intended to determine how far the her illness has already progressed. The outcome of those tests will effect when she needs to begin treatment....ideally not in the middle of the semester, but we don't know. While it is difficult to think clearly with so much uncertainty, we are happy here, the Mt. Holyoke community already seems incredibly supportive, and we feel like we are on the right path.



  1. Hi, Ethan,

    Thank you for the update. I hope the refrigerator is doing its job nicely. Do you have a street address to which things can be mailed?

    Hi, Susannah,
    Hope the semester is going well so far. Let me know if I can contribute by coming down to lecture in a class or two.

    Hugs to you both,

  2. Hi Ethan & Suzannah,

    We just heard your news today. This is a brief email to let you know you are in our hearts and in our thoughts. What is your mailing address?

    with love and hugs,
    Peggy and Shel

  3. Querida Suzannah,

    Estoy orando por ti y toda la familia, para que Dios les de consuelo, fortaleza, y sabiduría durante este período tan difícil.

    Pido tu permiso para informar a los Amigos Cubanos la que te está pasando, para que ellos pueden orar por ti también.

    Mi dirección electrónica es FurryOne@post.harvard.edu

    con mucho cariño,
    Susan Furry

    "Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte, no temeré mal alguno, porque Tú estarás conmigo."

  4. Great news that you can complete your semester! As you can see from the messages above, we're all looking for a street address for you both!
